We are the Democratic-Republican Party.


• We believe the core political value of America is republicanism – citizens have a civic duty to aid the state and resist corruption, especially monarchism, and aristocracy.  We believe in individual liberty, a civil society, equal rights, decentralization, free markets, free trade, and agrarianism.

• We believe Separation of church and state is the best method to keep the government free of religious disputes and religion free from corruption by the government. This means that we oppose the creation of any kind of theocracy/anti-theocratic dominance. We believe that such idealism is traditionally American going back to the democratic experiments in Rhode Island prior to the founding of this country, which in our point of view was very reactionary towards the European wars of religion and greatly influenced the founding fathers. To a such extent, we are unapoligetically liberal. 


To elaborate:

"God requireth not a uniformity of religion to be enacted in any civil state; which enforced uniformity (sooner or later) is the greatest occasion of civil war, ravishing of conscience, persecution of Christ Jesus in his servants, and of the hypocrisy and destruction of millions of souls."  - Roger Williams


This means that we oppose both atheist and religious fighting. We do not believe it is ultimately productive to a civil society made up of many religions or no religion at all to bicker consistently about these issues and that we also understand that they all deserve their own spaces to assemble or conduct business without outside agitators causing problems. 

This means that we do not like the "culture war", as this takes energy from issues of more importance - namely infrastructure, climate change, the waste generated in propping up an overly complex global supply chain, etc. We understand that any issues that we entertain have an *eight year window* to push concrete bills through Congress and to the President's desk for completion before that eight year window is complete to avoid budget cuts and "sky is blue/green" thinking. We prefer to choose our battles here.

•  We believe all persons have the right to be informed and thus to have a say in the government. We approve modern ways of doing this. For example, DAOs (Digital Autonomous Origanizations) or even traditional social media could be a promising way to eliminate time inefficiencies in meatspace which we believe is the culprit for government being "too slow" considering we have speed of light communications whereas the founding fathers did not. We believe that "Know Your Customer" or KYC (namely ID checks) should be observed across these communication channels to separate Americans from foreign state actors who may try to game such systems, and also to generally avoid "trolls" who would be ejected (perma-banned) from such systems should they be created. 

•  We oppose the subversion of the US Constitution to degrade the First Amendment to the US Constitution which is: 

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

This means that we support ratification of a replacement amendment to close such loopholes, namely a subversion clause. You can't use First Amendment protections to advocate for monarchy, dictatorship, theocracy, etc. We adhere to the Non-Aggression Principle or NAP which is explained below:


“No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another. Violence may be employed only against the man who commits such violence; that is, only defensively against the aggressive violence of another.”

•  We oppose platforms in other political parties that either do not have any evidence of being workable, or have no scientific background. "Pie in the sky" (noun: A fanciful notion; ludicrous concept; the illusory promise of a desired outcome that is unlikely to happen.) solutions are not welcome here (read: anything that can not be completed within a ten year window).

•  We approve the creation of a civil service wing of the "military" and a draft re-instatement for ages 18-45 years in a four year term based on able-bodiedness and/or experience regardless of their present physical fitness to cut budgets fed to private contractors who generally exist to suck the taxpayer dry, always go overbudget, and have shoddy work quality so they can get hired again to fix their own work on projects that require a huge level of organization across state lines, therefore requiring the federal government to intervene, and such work should all be done "in house" to avoid the nonsense below. 

Exhibit A:

Americans Taxed $400 Billion For Fiber Optic Internet That Doesn’t Exist


And here we are, seven years later from when that article was written. The Biden administration has allocated 40 billion to this, while Donald Trump did nothing. Yet, we understand that the majority of those funds will likely go to companies like AT&T and Verizon as primary contractors to do the work, who have already stolen 400 billion dollars of taxpayer funds. So, we doubt that another 40 billion will be effective. They will more than likely simply pocket the money, or alternatively do half of it and ask for another 40 billion dollars to complete it because the workers all get paid $50k+ per year while an E1 that has gone through "the machine" of the military and can be "trained quickly" as it were to do the grunt work of laying the fiber gets $21,276 per year - but they also get housing and college benefits. We feel that is a better idea.

• We believe that tax dollars should be spent fairly between rural and city needs to avoid the red/blue paradigm of "city folk get everything but we get nothing yet we still have to pay through the nose in taxes" where city fire departments and schools are well funded and staffed while the rural areas are not, thus creating ill sentiment and hyper-partisanship between those that grow food and those that build iPhones or whatever in areas where no food can be grown.

• We believe that minimum wage should be set by the township - not the state or federal government, so that small rural businesses and citizens aren't punished by areas with higher costs of living, and areas where business foot traffic is high and where citizens that endure high cost of living can afford to live.

• We believe that modern experiments in currency minting (digitized) provide a way towards beating the paradigms of traditional finance which we believe most everyone agrees are increasingly unworkable. We support solutions to this problem that are open source and free (as in freedom/free-markets not as in beer). We like Bitcoin, but we also understand that it is not immune to the laws of software obsolescence (very few people use MS-DOS, NCSA Mosaic, or Internet Explorer anymore) so we also do not endorse it specifically.

• We believe that the supply side of health care (ie drugs, implants, etc) should all be open source and freely available to manufacture to drastically cut cost of treatment and those supply chains should be open to doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies so that they can get the lowest cost possible.


We oppose blank checks (ie Universal Healthcare) on the backs of taxpayers to pay for the Martin Skreli's of the world who charge many times markup of production costs because they've positioned themselves to be the only game in town and there is no competition. If someone can figure out a way to make something cheaper and still meet standards let them do it.